Truly delicious Coq au Riesling

Coq au Riesling is a creamy twist on the classic Coq au Vin and makes a fabulous dish for dinner parties or an indulgent dinner for two. Braise free range Sutton Hoo chicken thighs, rashers of streaky bacon and mushrooms in white wine until the chicken is tender for a delicious, luxuriously creamy dish that’s sure to impress. Serve with fluffy Basmati rice or sautéed new potatoes.

This recipe serves 2 but can be easily adapted to serve more.


50g butter
Splash of olive oil
125g streaky bacon
2 medium onions, peeled and chopped
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
4 free range Sutton Hoo Chicken thighs
200g small brown mushrooms, halved
500ml of Riesling or other dry white wine
300ml double cream
2 handfuls of chopped parsley

To serve:

1 1/2 cups of Basmati rice or 750g new potatoes


1.    Melt the butter in a casserole dish and pour in the olive oil.

2.    Place the bacon, onion and garlic in and cook on a moderate heat until the onions have softened. 

3.    Remove the bacon and onions from the pan and drain. Leave to one side.

4.    Add the Sutton Hoo Chicken thighs to the casserole and cook at a moderate heat.

5.    Add the chopped mushrooms and continue cooking for a few minutes before adding the onions and bacon back in to the dish.

6.    Turn up the heat, pour in the wine and bring quickly to the boil before simmering.

7.    Let everything cook in the dish for 25-30 minutes, turning the chicken over occasionally to ensure it is cooked through properly.

8.    Once the chicken thighs have cooked, take them out of the casserole and place to one side. Gently pour in the double cream into the wine, mushrooms, onions and bacon and season with salt and black pepper and sprinkle in the chopped parsley. 

9.    Cook the ingredients together until the cream starts to thicken and add the chicken thighs back in.

10. Serve when the chicken is piping hot and the sauce has thickened.


Belinda's top tips on how to cook the perfect roast chicken


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