‘Suffolk cockerel becomes alternative Christmas feast’ - EADT Feature 11 Dec Written By Josie Nash Sarah Chambers wrote a great piece in the East Anglian which you can read here. “Premium chicken producers are reporting a 10% rise in cockerel sales over the past five years as consumers try out alternatives to turkey at Christmas time. Sutton Hoo Chicken near Woodbridge says sales of its slow-reared birds really started to spike during Christmas 2020 when the country was in lockdown.” — Sutton Hoo Chicken - EADT Get our Christmas Lunch recipe here. Josie Nash
‘Suffolk cockerel becomes alternative Christmas feast’ - EADT Feature 11 Dec Written By Josie Nash Sarah Chambers wrote a great piece in the East Anglian which you can read here. “Premium chicken producers are reporting a 10% rise in cockerel sales over the past five years as consumers try out alternatives to turkey at Christmas time. Sutton Hoo Chicken near Woodbridge says sales of its slow-reared birds really started to spike during Christmas 2020 when the country was in lockdown.” — Sutton Hoo Chicken - EADT Get our Christmas Lunch recipe here. Josie Nash